Everything You Need to Know About Water-Based Paint

If you’re planning on giving your home a fresh coat of paint, consider using water-based paints instead of oil-based paints. Water-based paint offers many advantages over oil-based paint, from quick-drying capabilities to easy clean-up.

Water-based paint is perfect whether you’re tackling an indoor or outdoor project. Keep reading to discover everything you need about water-based paint and why it’s the best choice for your next DIY home remodel project.

And did I mention it’s environmentally friendly? With water-based paint, you can feel good about your choice while still getting the job done right.

What Is Water-Based Paint?

Water-based paint is a type of paint that uses water as a solvent instead of oil or other chemical solvents. This makes water-based paint more eco-friendly and healthier for you and your family. The fumes from oil-based paint can be harmful and cause headaches, nausea, and dizziness, but water-based paint is virtually odorless and non-toxic.

Types of Water-Based Paints

There are two primary water-based paints: acrylic paint and latex paint. Let’s take a closer look at each of these paints and find out what makes them unique.

oil based paint

Acrylic Paint

Acrylic paint is a water-based paint made from synthetic polymers and water. This type of paint dries quickly, which makes it perfect for projects that require fast turnaround times. Acrylic paint is also water-resistant, which means it can be used on moist surfaces, such as bathrooms, kitchens, and outdoor furniture.

Another great thing about the acrylic paint water-based variant is that it’s easy to clean up with soap and water. You don’t have to worry about using harsh chemicals to clean your brushes, which is better for the environment and your health.

Latex Paint

Latex paint is another type of water-based paint made from natural materials, such as rubber, water, and pigment. Additionally, latex-based paint is known for its durability and versatility, making it a popular choice for interior walls and exterior surfaces. This type of paint dries to a smooth finish, which makes it ideal for use on walls, ceilings, and woodwork.

Furthermore, latex paint is also very low in fumes, making it an excellent option for people sensitive to strong odors. It’s also easy to clean up with soap and water, which makes it an ideal choice for home renovation.

Benefits of Water-Based Paints

Water-based paints have many benefits that make them a perfect choice for homeowners. Here are a few reasons:

  1. Eco-Friendly: Water-based paints are made from natural materials, making them more environmentally friendly than oil-based paints, which contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can harm the environment and your health.
  2. Quick-Drying: Latex paint dries quickly, meaning you can finish your painting project faster and return to your life. No more waiting for days for the paint to dry before you can use your room again!
  3. Low Odor: The low odor of water-based paints makes them an excellent choice for indoor painting projects. You won’t have to worry about stinky fumes lingering in your home after you paint.
  4. Easy to Clean Up: Cleaning up after painting is a breeze with water-based paints. All you need is soap and water, and you’re good to go! No more harsh chemicals and solvents are required.
  5. Versatile: Latex paints come in various finishes, from flat to high-gloss, making them suitable for any type of surface and decorating style.

To learn if water-based paints are recommended for your remodeling project, consult the best Las Vegas Painting Companies, like Majestic Cabinets LLC.

acrylic paint water based

When to Use Water-Based Paints

Now that you know the benefits of water-based paints, you might wonder when to use them. Here are a few scenarios where they’re the best choice:

  • Indoor Painting
    Water-based paints have low odor, making them ideal for indoor painting projects.
  • Trim Work
    If you’re painting trim, molding, or baseboards, water-based paint is a great choice. It dries quickly, so you can move on to the next step of your project without waiting for the paint to dry.
  • Children’s Rooms
    If you’re painting your child’s room, you’ll want to choose a paint that’s safe and non-toxic. Latex paints are a great choice, as they’re made from natural materials and don’t contain harmful VOCs.

When is Oil-Based Paint Best?

While water-based paints have many benefits, there are also situations where oil-based paints are the better choice. Here are a few examples:

  • Exterior Painting: If you’re painting the exterior of your home, an oil-based exterior paint is a better choice. They have a longer lifespan and are more resistant to fading and chipping.
  • Furniture: If you’re refinishing a piece of furniture, such as a dresser or a table, oil-based paint is better. It dries to a hard finish that’s durable and long-lasting.
  • High-Traffic Areas: Oil-based paint is a better choice if you’re painting a surface subjected to a lot of wear and tear, such as a stair rail or a kitchen counter. It’s more durable and can withstand more abuse than water-based paint.
  • Galvanized metal: it’s best to use a specialized paint explicitly designed for this surface. You can use an oil-based paint, but it’s better to opt for a paint designed to bond well with metal surfaces, such as epoxy paint or a zinc-rich primer.


Water-based paint is environmentally friendly, easy to use, and dries quickly. Whether you’re looking for paint for your walls, ceilings, or outdoor furniture, water-based paint has got you covered. Contact us today to get a free quote.

We hope you learned a few things about water-based paint and how to use them effectively. Let us know in the comments what other topics you want us to cover.

Owen is a customer experience manager at Majestic Cabinets. Having several years of experience in the home improvement field, Owen is keen on sharing his knowledge and secrets with others. Doesn't matter if you’re a homeowner with little to no knowledge in the field or an experienced contractor, you can always learn something new and interesting from his stories. Owen hopes that his articles will give you a bit of insight on home improvement.