Tips for Cleaning & Maintaining Your Kitchen Cabinets

Cabinets are an integral part of every kitchen, used for storing food, dishes, plates, utensils, and more. They can take up a lot of space and serve as one of the main focal points of the room. So, if dirty marks and unsightly stains start to appear on your kitchen cabinets, the whole space can start to look far less attractive. This is why it helps to know how to clean kitchen cabinets correctly.

Fortunately, cleaning kitchen cabinets is simple, once you know how, but you need to take the correct approach for each situation. Cleaning grease marks from wooden kitchen cabinets usually requires a different method to getting rid of stains and spots from your cabinets, for example. This guide will go over how to clean kitchen cabinets in various ways, with tips, tricks, and techniques you can rely on.

How Often Should I Clean Kitchen Cabinets?

Before we look at the finer points of the best way to clean kitchen cabinets, you might be wondering about how often you need to clean them in the first place. Well, if you want the best results, we recommend a weekly light clean of your cabinets; each week, you should use a simple cleaning solution and cloth to wipe away surface marks, like fingerprint marks and sauce or oil splatters.

It’s also a good idea to do a deeper, more intensive cleaning of your kitchen cabinets on a seasonal basis, up to four times a year. For this kind of clean, you’ll need to set aside more time. You should empty the cabinets of all their contents and clean all the interior walls and shelves, as well as the interior and exterior of the door. Make sure to let everything dry before filling the cabinets back up.


how to clean your kitchen cabinets

How to Clean Wood Kitchen Cabinets?

If you have wooden cabinets, you need to treat them with care and techniques for wooden cabinets. Different types of wood and finishes can react differently to certain cleaning methods and products, so it’s best to start off with gentle cleaners to avoid causing any unwanted damage. Follow these tips for best results: 

  • Use a gentle oil-based soap to clean your cabinets and leave them with a beautiful, natural shine. 
  • Use damp cloths, but don’t soak them with too much water, as excess moisture can damage the wood. 
  • After cleaning, buff your wooden cabinet doors and surfaces with a dry cloth. Remember to wipe in the direction of the wood grain when buffing or polishing. 
  • Pay close attention to cabinets in high-risk areas, like those above the stove that are regularly exposed to oil and steam.

How to Remove Grease from Cabinets?

When it comes to how to clean sticky wood kitchen cabinets with grease stains and marks, the key is persistence. You may need to wipe them over a few times to really get rid of those greasy marks, but if you keep at it, you should succeed. For a simple and affordable solution, dilute some vinegar with water and use this as your cleaning solution.

How to Remove Stains from Cabinets?

You might be wondering about how to clean white kitchen cabinets with big stains or unsightly marks on them. Stains are never pleasant, and it’s always best to try and prevent them from appearing in the first place by wiping away any splatters or surface marks as soon as you notice them. But what do you do if the stain has already been set and you can see colorful marks or water stains on your kitchen cabinets? 

Well, for food stains, it’s best to try and use a damp cloth to wipe away as much of the stain as possible. Then, mix up some baking soda with water to form a paste and let it sit on the stain for five minutes, before wiping away. This should help to get rid of most household stains on your kitchen cabinets without too much effort required.

If you notice water stains on your cabinets, it’s a good idea to start using distilled water to clean them in the future, as your regular tap water could be too high in mineral content. And for other stains, like scuff marks, you may actually be able to use a regular school eraser to get rid of them. This works amazingly well on white cabinets, in particular.

How to Care for Painted Cabinets?

If you have painted kitchen cabinets in your home, you’ll need to clean them well and look after them properly. Otherwise, the paint may fade or crack over time, ruining the aesthetic and causing your kitchen to look quite messy. Here are some top tips to follow for how to clean kitchen cabinets that are painted:

  • Use gentle cleansers and home solutions, like water mixed with baking soda, for best results. 
  • Try using some diluted ammonia solution to get rid of any grease marks or fingerprints. 
  • Pay close attention to the painted cabinets above the stove or in areas that are exposed to lots of steam and moisture. 
  • If the paint starts to crack, kitchen cabinet refinishing or repainting may be needed.

Tips on Kitchen Cleaning Process

As well as knowing the right methods to clean different types of kitchen cabinets, it’s also helpful to follow some simple tips that can help you in your general kitchen cleaning. Here are a few useful tricks you can keep in mind to keep your kitchen looking its best and ensure that all of your kitchen surfaces remain clean, fresh, and beautiful, too.

Use Gentle Cleaning Solutions

In general, when cleaning the kitchen, it’s best to opt for gentle cleaning solutions. This can include homemade cleaning solutions, like diluted vinegar or lemon juice, or professional products that don’t contain any abrasive chemicals or damaging ingredients. Gentle cleaners like these will help to preserve your kitchen cabinets and surfaces without doing any unnecessary damage.

Tackle Tight Spots with Toothbrush

There are plenty of hard-to-reach spots around the kitchen that can be tricky to clean. Little corners and crannies can be really hard to get to, and it’s common for dirt, dust, and even mold to accumulate in these areas if they aren’t cleaned regularly and properly. Try using a toothbrush to access these tricky spots. 

Dry the Cabinets After Cleaning

Don’t forget that drying your cabinets is just as important as cleaning them. If you use a damp cloth or cleaning solution, make sure to use a dry cloth to dry the surfaces off afterward. This can help to polish them and buff away any marks or stains. Plus, removing excess moisture helps to prevent any bacterial development or mold growth, too.


clean your kitchen cabinets


Overall, cleaning your kitchen cabinets is quite simple, but you need to put in the effort and make sure to clean the doors and surfaces on a regular basis. If you delay the process, your cabinets may wear down over time, and you might find yourself in need of a more serious fix, like cabinet refacing or refinishing, rather than simple cleaning. If you want to refresh and revitalize tired cabinets, contact us to learn more about resurfacing services. In the meantime, make sure to clean cabinets often to keep them in top condition.

How To Choose Bathroom Tile: Tips To Keep In Mind

When you are trying to choose the right tile for your bathroom you might realize that a huge number of choices are actually available. Tiles come in so many different styles, shapes, sizes, textures and more, whether you want a backsplash tile or larger tiles to create the illusion of one, solid surface.

Tiling is not just something for the walls, either. The floor tiles should be considered, and not getting the right tiles can even mean a slip hazard.

Keep Size in Mind

Size is definitely one of the keys to making the right choice of tile. If you are looking to choose tiles it can be easy to simply assume that you should make the choice based on the size of the room. This isn’t always the same. A large design of tiles in a small bathroom might look fantastic, it can give the impression of a larger, smoother surface.

The bathroom tiles design may be deliberately smaller, for more of a ‘mosaic’ effect. Even in a large bathroom, smaller, compact tiles placed together can sometimes look fantastic, and give more flexibility about which areas are suitable for tiling. You might not be tiling the whole room, instead, one specific feature with smaller tiles might be suitable.

Though some sizes might not be appropriate for your bathroom, size is an opportunity to make a design your own. It is not always about what will be easiest to tile, but what will look best in your opinion!

Balance Different Tile Types

Many people simply choose one design of tile and decide this is the theme for the whole of their bathroom. They may be missing a trick!

Different styles and colors of tile can be a good way to accent your design and give something more interesting to look at. Multiple tiles can create a mosaic look, a geometric pattern or even just a random sense of texture and natural, less clinical feel. For instance, you may wish to use three different shades of blue when tiling the walls, this can give a very interesting look and feels a lot more rustic.

Different tile sizes can be harder to work with, but textures and colors are a good way to create some variety in your design and break up what would otherwise be a huge mass of color.

One of the best ways to ensure that you are creating a quality design which will actually work is to discuss what you need with an excellent local company who know about tiling and how to create long-lasting, well-thought-out designs. If you’re based in Vegas, check out the best Las Vegas Contractors to help you through design and the tiling process.

Don’t Neglect Texture

Texture is definitely something you should think about in terms of design. How smooth should the finish be? Can a little texture give an interesting finish to the look of your tiled walls?

The texture isn’t just a feature relating to the look and design, though. For instance, if you are looking to put floor tiles in place on your bathroom floor, really smooth tiles can create a slip hazard and a little texture gives more to grip. This is especially helpful as your bathroom floor is naturally going to get wet at times.

On the flip side of that coin, a textured wall tile might be harder to clean. Smooth tiles are designed to be easy to wipe down and clean.

It may well be the case that you look for a very different design of floor tile compared to the tiles you end up with on the walls.

Remember, Grout Is the Finishing Touch

Bathroom tiles design maybe your initial focus, and the main decision you make, but grouting is equally important. There is no point in finding the perfect combination of tiles to get installed in your bathroom if you are not going to get the grouting right. Work with professional tile installation contractors to make sure the grouting is carried out properly.

You can get grout in different colors and it can be another great way to break up a design and make your bathroom look that extra bit more interesting. Black grout on white tiles or vice versa can give an interesting contrast.

Kitchen Halloween Decor: Update Your Cabinets

The whole world tends to go mad for Halloween. The spooky festival seems to get bigger every year, with more and more people going all out with some of the most impressive decorations you could imagine.

In this guide, we’re looking into some kitchen Halloween decor. That’s right, every room in your home should benefit from some of the decorations and that means that you can use your cabinets and other parts of your kitchen to get in the spooky spirit.

How to Decorate Kitchen Windows For Halloween?

There is a chance to be creative no matter where you are decorating, and specifically when you are decorating your kitchen windows. If your kitchen windows face outward onto the street then you can use this to your advantage and create decor that everyone can see as they pass.

You can use your window to add some spooky spider webs, which you can easily source online. You could also use a cheesecloth to create a creepy silhouette look or make your own spider webs.

There’s a chance to use some lights here, and even the Christmas lights might look good in this scenario just as long as they’ve met with other scary decorations. Why not go for some creepy posters and stickers?

A kitchen window might even prove to be the ideal place to show off your pumpkin skills and place one facing out of the window.

Kitchen halloween decor ideas

How to Decorate Your Kitchen Cabinets For Halloween?

Redecorating your kitchen cabinets for Halloween can be another option. There are a lot of decorations that you can either buy or make, perfect for use on kitchen cabinets.

Stickers are one of the obvious options, vinyl stickers can provide you with an excellent and easy way to decorate the cabinets. When you’re finished, you can simply remove the stickers and not have to worry about too much clean-up.

The spiders’ webs can be an excellent choice in this scenario, too. A bit of cheesecloth cut into shape will do the business.

The kitchen cabinets can be the perfect place to hang a Halloween banner, too. We love some of the homemade banners we’ve seen, which can include autumnal themes as well. Using pine cones and even autumnal leaves you have gathered can create a cool decoration and even provide the kids with an activity to carry out.


Can I Use My Kitchen Utensils For Halloween Decor?

Did you know that you can even buy specific utensils to use for Halloween decor? It is amazing how people get into the season so much. Did you know you can buy toothpicks designed to look like a witch’s broomstick?

You can use your utensils in a creative way or create a fun and interesting display somewhere in your kitchen. We all know that ketchup makes great fake blood!

Some other creative things you can do with utensils include making your bowl and ladle look like a witch’s cauldron. This helps if you create a bubbly and brightly-colored punch to go inside.

You can grab some stickers to put on other utensils and give them a Halloween look, too. One of the more creative uses for a Halloween party is even to ditch your drinks holders and use a carved-out pumpkin instead!

Never forget about the decorative help you can get from the humble jello mold! There are loads of molds out there that you can use on Halloween to create jello, jello shots, even ice cubes that have a spooky look to them.


What Should I Put On My Kitchen Tray?

If you are serving food for Halloween then this is the perfect opportunity to get into the spirit and create some really fantastic-looking decorations.

Serving up those snacks can be one of the better ways to make your kitchen look great at Halloween, and it is surprisingly easy to make some really cool decorations.

Using melted chocolate to draw spooky faces on halved bananas is one way to create a ghoulish-looking character that is delicious. Peeling oranges and adding a makeshift stalk can also make them look just like a pumpkin.

Never underestimate the power of googly eyes for making things look like characters. Add some googly eyes to an apple, cut in half, and add marshmallows through the middle to make it look like teeth. You can easily make some Halloween characters.

Drinks are another opportunity to make things look a little spooky. Adding some food coloring can turn your drinks into something that looks like it should be a potion…or worse!

There’s plenty of opportunities to buy accessories for use in your kitchen around Halloween, too. Some of these can be purely decorative, like a crocheted pumpkin. Others can serve a purpose, such as napkins with spooky designs. The choice is up to you.

halloween kitchen decor ideas

Where Should I Add Pumpkins?

As long as you are responsible with the pumpkins and try to avoid waste wherever possible, we’d say…everywhere!

Pumpkin carving is incredibly fun, and there are plenty of places around the kitchen and the rest of the home where you can include them. Kitchen cabinets are a perfect place to display them.

We definitely recommend having some at the kitchen window, and lit up with some lights inside these can be one of the coolest decorations. Whether you go for one massive pumpkin or lots of tiny ones, carving them into characters and creatures can be very enjoyable.

Beyond the kitchen, you can also add pumpkins outside the front door (perfect for trick-or-treaters) and anywhere else in the home where you think they will look good.

After carving pumpkins, you can use the seeds (roast them, or feed them to animals) or you can compost what is left. Pumpkins are pretty sustainable as long as you are responsible for what you do afterward, so you can put them to good use and carve to your heart’s content. It’s a fun activity for the whole family to enjoy together.

How to Clean Tile Floors?

Tiles are a popular flooring option due to their elegant look and versatility. In addition, they are durable and don’t require much effort for maintenance. However, this is the part of the house that needs much attention as it easily becomes victim to muddy trainers, wine stains, and food spillages, as well as all kinds of bacteria from pets, etc.

If you are here, it means you have faced difficulties and are wondering how to clean tile floors. No worries, here we discuss several options for tile and grout cleaning and get your tiles to look spick and span again.

The flooring in your home is one of the key features that your guests will notice when they first walk into your home. If you have a clean tile floor, it will likely set off the rest in your home, that’s why it’s so important to keep it beautiful and well-maintained.

Luckily, you will find it takes half the time to get clean tiles compared to doing a deep cleaning of a carpet or a rug. Also, it is worth mentioning that while there are slight differences between ceramic and porcelain tiles the cleaning tips described below can be used for both types.

With that being said, let’s get into it.

Floor Tiles Cleaning

First of all, we need to get rid of loose dirt, sand, or other debris by vacuuming or sweeping the floors. Next, you can start cleaning the tile surface of any dirt, stains, or bacteria. All you need for this is to get yourself a mop and warm water. You can also use a floor-cleaning solution or add some neutral soap to the water. But be careful with the soap as it may leave a slight film on the tile surface.

One scrub with some warm water is enough to lift off most of the stains. If you are still having trouble, then try adding a little vinegar to the water and give that a try. After, rinse it thoroughly with plain hot water.

Leave it to air dry or better dry it yourself with a clean cloth or towel to prevent water spots.

Tiles Cleaning In The Kitchen and Bathroom

Unsurprisingly, the kitchen and bathroom will need a little more work for tile and grout cleaning. If you want a clean tile floor in these areas, then you will need to put in some real effort.

These are areas of the house that will get the most food stains, moisture-causing mold, and soapy suds trodden into the tiles.

First of all, try to clean the tiles with hot water and soap to get off most of the residue. For the tougher stains that remain, you can use a special stain remover for kitchen and bathroom tiles. If you don’t have that at hand, then a steamer can be useful.

Apply the hot steam to the area and then wipe clean with your soap and water solution.

How To Clean Tile Grout?

These are the lines between the tiles that hold the tiles together, and they just so happen to be the hardest parts to clean. They are usually quite porous and will hold onto a lot of moisture and dirt.

Grout is typically made from latex, different types of plastics, and sometimes sand and cement. The more modern your tiles are, the more likely they are to be made from stain-resistant materials, but if not, don’t worry. Here is how to clean grout.

Grab yourself some hot water and your grout brush if you have one. If not, you can use any firm brush that has stiff bristles to lift up the dirt.

Apply the hot water and get stuck into the grout with some elbow grease. Most of the dirt should come away, given enough time and effort.

Use Steam for the Toughest Stains

Don’t use any other types of cleaner for grout or bleach for the tiles. You will usually do more harm than good. This will damage the materials and can fade the designs/color of the tiles. Water is the best bet as it is has a neutral pH.

If you are having a lot of trouble getting the stains up, then revert to the steam tactic and use soapy water.

How Should I Remove the Mold?

No home should have mold present in it at any time. If you notice your grout has mold in its grooves, then you need to get rid of it. The best way to do this is to buy a special mold remover.

You can get rid of the mold using the methods we have listed above, but as mold can be potentially hazardous to health, it is better to treat it seriously.

Use gloves while cleaning the mold. Try to keep the room less humid in the future, as this is most likely the cause of mold.

Keep On Top of It

If you are considering getting tile flooring then go for it. As you see it is easy to maintain. The best way to keep on top of it is to clean the floor more often. If we leave our tiles for too long, it can seem like a huge job to take on, and it can seem overwhelming.

Take a few minutes out once a week to clean the most used areas of your house and keep the tiles clean before they get too dirty. This is especially important for kitchens and bathrooms. Otherwise, you will need home remodeling contractors to fix it all.

Hopefully, by now, you know how to clean tile flooring. Thanks for reading!

Bathroom Updates That Buyers Want: Design to Sell

Thanks to the current circumstances we all find ourselves in, many industries have slowed to a halt. However, this is not the case for real estate. In fact, due to low interest rates and a shortage of homes for sale, properties are being bought up at breakneck speeds. According to Lauren Austin, a 17-year real estate veteran, you can no longer “sit and wait for a week and look at 10 houses. If you see a house and it works, you buy it.” If you’re looking to sell your home, now is the time to do it. 

Many things go into selling a home. The most important is making sure the home itself is in the best condition it can be in. That means remodeling. It means modernizing and painting. According to Forbes, next to the kitchen, the bathroom is the most closely inspected and valued room in the house. For that reason, making bathroom updates for resale is among the first places your money should be going.

How Should You Plan the Bathroom Remodels for Resale?

To make the best bathroom remodels for resale, you will need to understand why bathrooms are an integral and valued area of your home. A bathroom is more than just a place to do your business. It is where we begin and end our day. It’s an intimate and sacred sanctuary where we bathe and spend time with ourselves. Remembering the emotional connection people can form with their bathroom will help create an inviting and warm space. If the bathroom is ragged, it can never fill that need people are looking for—plan on sinking some cash into making this room the highlight of your home.

Start With Fixing What is Broken

This should go without saying, but make sure everything in your bathroom works. That means replacing that cracked bathtub, fixing the leaky faucet, and filling the fist-sized hole in the wall. If the toilet runs intermittently, the buyers aren’t going to see a small, isolated issue. They will see straight past that and start questioning the home’s overall integrity. Ensuring everything works and is in good condition is a great first step to making sure the home gets sold for the price you want.

Incorporate Energy Efficient Solutions

Going green is not only a morally sound decision but a profitable one as well. A new study by American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) found that buyers would pay more for homes with higher home energy scores. In the bathroom, that means replacing the showerhead and faucet with a more water-efficient model is a must when doing a bathroom update for resale. The toilet is another one. Older toilets use so much water. The newer ones use significantly less, and they’re also relatively inexpensive

bathroom updates for resale

Paint, Paint, Paint

A new paint job does wonders to change the vibe of a room. A freshly painted room looks clean and can make a small bathroom space feel bigger than it is. This vital step in bathroom remodeling can be ruined with the wrong color. Neutral colors are by far the best to choose when remodeling for resale. This is due to a few different factors. For one, neutral colors are bright, light, and inviting. They also serve as a neutral backdrop, allowing buyers to easily picture their belongings in your home. A quick tip: warmer grays are a trendy color to choose from in 2021.

Maximize your bathroom space

To get the most out of your bathroom space, you’ll need to maximize your storage capacity. Clean out drawers, bathroom cabinets, and closets. In many cases, there still won’t be enough space. Consider upgrading to a larger vanity or adding shelves under the sink. Space is so important that if you are still lacking at this point or are limited by square feet, it may be worth investing in some out-of-the-box ideas such as shelving, wall racks, and hooks. Check out these ideas for decluttering your bathroom.

How to Properly Accessorize Your Bathroom?

You must accessorize if you want the best bathroom updates for resale. You have already done the hard work by decluttering your bathroom. Now you have an open template to work with. First up, towels. Attractive, plush towels are inviting and catch the eye. Consider keeping a uniform color for your towels. It looks neat and professional. 

Now for the accessories. Common practice is to “accessorize in threes.” For example, three glass jars filled with bathing essentials are placed next to each other. Glass jars, attractive trays, and ceramic cups used for holding bathroom items are great accessories that maximize space while adding aesthetic value to the room.

For the toilet area, there are countless ideas. Keep it clean and simple. An idea would be to place bath salts, soap, and a thin book in a wicker basket on the toilet’s tank. When accessorizing your bathroom, simple, attractive, and functional are the core principles you should keep in mind.

Ask Real Estate Agents for Advice

First, go through your checklist and make sure you’ve done everything laid out in this article. That will set you up with the best chance of success. However, it is not an easy process, and it can be easy to find yourself stuck and not sure what to do. If you find yourself in such a predicament, do not be afraid to ask for help. A great resource for you to use is your real estate agent. If your agent has been in the business for a while, they will know what sells and what does not. Asking their advice on what makes the best bathroom updates for resale will significantly increase the chance that you make solid remodeling decisions that ultimately lead to selling your home.


By now, you know the importance of the quality of your bathroom when selling your home. It is not something to be overlooked. Painting, accessorizing, and purchasing the right appliances are all important pieces of the puzzle. However, it is worth noting that it is a puzzle, and it will not be complete without all parts present. So do not neglect some pieces while going full boar on others. Balance is everything. With the right effort, proper guidance, and good taste, you can turn your bathroom into an enticing oasis that draws people in and leads to closing the deal on your home. 

How to Make a Small Bathroom Look Bigger

Many of us have small bathrooms that we’d much rather make much bigger given a choice. When you are stuck with the constraints of the house you live in, you might want to make a small bathroom bigger so that guests can enjoy the perception of a larger room. It can also help you to sell a house.

Clever bathroom remodeling or even just some simple small bathroom hacks to give the illusion of space, and make the most of the limited room you have, can make all the difference. In this guide, we’ll tell you how to make a small bathroom look bigger.

Add Some Colors

The psychology of color when decorating any room is surprisingly influential. If you’ve never actually delved into this world before, you might be shocked at what a difference it can make. Just a change of color scheme can revolutionize the look of a room.

You’ll also be pleased that a bathroom can be one of the more straightforward rooms to paint. If you’ve ever looked up how to prepare a room for painting, you’ll know that you need to remove loads of furniture and tape over certain things. This isn’t always the case in a bathroom; you may not be able to remove your bath, for instance.

Are you choosing colors to make a small bathroom look bigger? There are a couple of approaches you can take. A lot of people go for a light color scheme. This is in fashion now, and it is versatile, so when you sell, you won’t isolate buyers. It gives the feeling of openness having lighter colors.

Some people also go for the feeling of space that can come from a darker room, and some dark statement bathrooms can look fantastic. Some clever small half-bathroom ideas involve dark color schemes.

Update The Tiles

There are so many reasons why people go for tiles as part of their bathroom remodeling. Tired and old tires make a bathroom look…well, tired and old. They can also make it feel smaller and draw people’s attention to the constraints of the bathroom.

Smaller bathroom walls can be made to look like a larger space by including one solid tile pattern. We don’t recommend using loads of colors or anything too complex.

What size tiles are best for a small bathroom? We recommend either 1×4 or 2×6 floor tiles, they’re cheap, and the ceramic design is usually best for durability and longevity. Some tiles can even be easily painted to give you more control. If you ever decide on a new color scheme, that’s possible.

Tiles can be used on the walls and the floor, and small bathroom flooring ideas can be challenging, but if you have a tile design to cover the whole of your bathroom, it can make it much easier and take away some difficult decisions.

Prioritize Bathroom Organization

In some scenarios, you may look at your bathroom and not even notice the fact that it is getting very cluttered. It’s easy to have cleaning products and makeup out on the side, and though they may not bother you, they may be making your small bathroom look even smaller.

Even if you have a small bathroom cabinet, that doesn’t mean that you can’t keep a lot inside. It might not be the most exciting of all the tasks when it comes to decorating, but you must get organized.

Here’s the deal. Over the years, your bathroom gets packed with things you don’t want or don’t use. You may have half-used bottles of product sitting around that you could just dispose of. Alternatively, cluttered cupboards mean that you aren’t making the most of your space. You don’t have to be anal about things, just ruthless in getting rid of what you don’t need and making sure pointless items don’t take up your bathroom space. Perhaps you have somewhere else in your home where you can store other things such as towels, too?

Incorporate Multiple Mirrors

Mirrors may be one of the oldest tricks in the book when it comes to making your bathroom look bigger. Using mirrors in any room can help to give the illusion of more space. We’re not talking about tricking people into thinking it’s twice as big! Even on a subconscious level, having mirrors can open up space. If you have ever been inside a restaurant or coffee shop and noticed lots of mirrors, the chances are they are trying to pull this same trick.

As well as mirrors making a space look bigger, they can also make the room brighter, making the most of any source of natural light. Ask any interior designer, and they will tell you that mirrors are one of the best choices for a small space.

Of course, in your bathroom, you will probably already have a mirror. Consider making this more significant, or adding other mirrors throughout the space.

Decide On Shower Structure

Your shower is likely to take up a lot of your bathroom’s space. If you’ve got a small bathroom with a shower, then it is worth spending some time working out a plan. For example, one trendy way to try and make a small bathroom appear bigger is to use a clever design such as turning it into a wetroom. If the room just has a shower and no bath, this is easier to do and means you can maximize the floor space. Of course, it requires some bathroom remodeling, and it can be a little bit of a job to get the bathroom looking how you want, but it may be worth it for smaller rooms.

There are other decisions to make. Many more minor showers can sit in the corner of the room, and you might even be able to get a specifically smaller size. Often, a curved door can give the illusion of more space, too. Square doors may jut out into the room and give the feeling of more valuable space being taken up, so a sliding door can be another option. The shower is one of the most crucial decisions when you are designing your bathroom.

Decor With Unique Pieces

Unique pieces can serve to do a couple of different things within your bathroom. For a start, individual pieces can give your room a real focal point. When people enter the room, rather than scan around and even take in size, they might just be able to check out all of the exciting features instead. You can have one specific part that the eye is drawn to. With darker bathroom designs, a lot of people opt for some darker metals to complement it. This can mean brass taps or other exciting and different configurations.

Unique pieces can also fit the bill for a smaller bathroom because you may get some unique small pieces of furniture. There are small bathroom sinks that can allow you to incorporate more storage space. There are also several old-fashioned antique items that you can include, which may be smaller anyway, as things used to be smaller hundreds of years ago! Well, homes did, and all of the items within. It’s a great option to make your bathroom more fashionable by decorating it with unique accessories.

Unique pieces are not something to be afraid of. Many people have the outlook that “less is more,” and while this is true with most decorating, there is nothing wrong with having something in your bathroom to draw the eye.

Contact Your Local Bathroom Experts

If you’re ready to move forward, then it is time to contact your local bathroom experts to get a quote for the ideas you may have. Even if you are planning to sell your home soon, looking into the options you have for redecorating is worth looking into. A bigger-looking bathroom can improve the perception of your home and even boost its value.

Contact us today to see what ideas we may have for your bathroom and how it can revolutionize the look and feel of your home. Even a tiny space can be functional and appealing. It’s time to get creative with your bathroom remodeling and your bathroom decor.

How to Plan a Kitchen Remodel?

The kitchen is one of the main focal points of our homes. If we have a stylish kitchen, then it can really set the tone for the rest of the house. If we leave it to fall out of fashion, then the design of the whole house can suffer.

It is for this reason that the kitchen is the most popular room to renovate in our homes and it is also why homeowners spend more money on their kitchen remodeling than any other home improvement.

However, building a new kitchen is a big undertaking and one that should only be handled by qualified contractors in Las Vegas. It’s no small feat and it should be approached with complete professionalism as there are many pitfalls that you might run into. With that being said, it is still up to you to decide on the style, design, and contents of your new kitchen and how the layout will look.

Let’s take a look at some essential areas of kitchen renovation planning that you should consider before you take your first steps.

How to Set a Remodeling Budget?

When we are considering how to plan a kitchen remodel, the first and arguably most important factor is to make an appropriate and realistic budget. You need to know how much money you have to work with so you can plan effectively.

It is important that you take extra time on this step to consider all the costs you might encounter. As with most renovation projects you will most likely run into some unexpected costs and unplanned expenses. When you arrive at your final budget, it would be wise to add on an extra 10-20% to give yourself a safety net. Alternatively, you have the option to investigate kitchen remodeling financing solutions provided, streamlining the process of matching your project with your budget.

Visualize What You Want

This may sound like common sense but it is important that you take some time to visualize what your dream kitchen will look like. It may help to put some ideas down on paper, even better if you can do a sketch of what you foresee your new kitchen looking like.

If you can, do some research on the current kitchen trends as well as any modern, up-to-date technology that you would like to include in the design. It is far easier to make changes at this stage before any of the work is done, and it is much cheaper to redo your sketch than to redo your entire remodeling.

Should I Plan Demolition Before Construction?

First things first, you need to tear the old down before you can build the new. If there are any areas of your kitchen that will not be making the final cut into the next design, then you need to get rid of them.

Plan how you will remove them by causing the least amount of damage and work possible. Sometimes the appliances and furniture can remain throughout a kitchen remodel as a paint job and a bit of renovating will do the trick. If that’s not the case, then it’s time to get rid of it.

Plan how you will remove it, where you will store it, and where you will eventually throw it away. Be sure to check for recycling/donating options.

Plan Heating and Air Ventilation

The kitchen is one of the most frequented parts of the house; you need to make it as comfortable and as inviting as possible. Consider what methods of heating you will have for the winter and what air ventilation option you will be installing.

Talk with your contractors to see what your available options are for your home.

Plan Water and Gas Sources

Again, this is one that you should discuss with your contractors. Consider where your water supply is, and where you need this supply going.

If you are moving your sink and other water-using appliances, then you need to put some careful thought into this. The further away from the supply line, the harder and more expensive the job will become. The same goes for the gas source.

How to Choose Color Palettes For Remodeling?

Color has a huge effect on our mood and how receptive we can be to a room. As the kitchen is a key area of the house, you should really put some time into choosing the correct color scheme.

Neutral, clean colors like whites, grays, and blacks have always been very popular for kitchens, but that’s not to say that you can’t think outside the box. Go back to your original plan and make sure the color scheme works with the rest of the house.

Materials to Use

Lastly, you need to think about what materials you will use in the kitchen. You have a lot to choose from, so take your time. You need to decide on what the flooring material will be, the countertop, the backsplash, and your cupboards.

The possibilities are endless, so don’t be afraid to experiment a little.


So there you have it. Hopefully, by now you should know how to plan a kitchen remodel.

As the old saying goes, “fail to prepare, prepare to fail” – truer words couldn’t be spoken when it comes to kitchen remodeling. Don’t forget, make a budget, make a plan, and then stick to it.

Kitchen Cabinet Trends You’ll Regret: Ideas You Should Avoid

If you are looking online to find remodeling tips and the perfect kitchen layout and floor plan ideas, you will find plenty of style suggestions and tips on the latest trends to follow. But it is also worth thinking about the opposite – the styles and kitchen cabinet trends to avoid. Finding the ideal design is equally as important as eliminating trends that are not practical or useful. 

You are presumably planning to use your kitchen for a long time, or at least more than a few years, before giving it a redesign. That means it is essential to find a style that doesn’t just fit the current trends.

To make sure your new kitchen stands the test of time, pay attention to these kitchen cabinet trends to avoid:

Should You Match Every Possible Kitchen Detail?

This one goes for both the décor of the cabinets, walls and floor, as well as your kitchen appliances. Excessive color matching and monochrome kitchens can look great in a showroom or a carefully filtered Instagram post, but they have a few flaws in a natural home.

Firstly, they can highlight every scuff and other signs of wear, which means they can require more maintenance and repair if you don’t want your eyes to be drawn to every imperfection when you walk into the room.

Secondly, single-color kitchens tend to go for a neutral color like white, which can look a bit flat and dull when not under perfect lighting conditions. On the other hand, a more vibrant color can be overwhelming and oppressive when not balanced by other color choices.

Remember that if all you need to restyle your kitchen is a fresh color scheme, you don’t need to go to the expense and inconvenience of replacing all of your fittings. A professional cabinet refinishing can give your current cabinets a completely new look and style.

Matching the color of your appliances to the rest of the kitchen can make them blend into the background a little too much. This misses the opportunity to use them as an accent to your overall design. Instead, try giving your appliances a contrasting color to make them pop.

Whether to give your fridge and freezer panels to match your cabinets can depend on the situation. When arranged in a long line of cabinets, the fridge and freezer can help break up the monotony. However, in smaller spaces, paneled appliances might be better for maintaining a consistent visual theme in that part of the room.


Is Ornamenting Every Part of Your Kitchen Cabinets Worth It?

There is nothing wrong with scattering a few knick-knacks around the kitchen if you are going for a cozy or rustic look. Don’t overdo it, though. Not every cabinet needs to be covered in ornaments, and doing this can make the room feel smaller and more cluttered, and messy.

Plants and other ornaments attract attention. Do you want to draw the eye up to the ceiling and corners and away from your new kitchen furniture and layout?

As a general rule, avoid ornamenting spaces with less than two feet of headroom. These can make the area feel claustrophobic and great at gathering dust. On the other hand, a few ornaments can help avoid having an awkward space between the tops of your cabinets and the ceiling in a room with higher ceilings. Big and bulky objects like baskets and jars work better for this purpose than narrow or spindly pieces that don’t extend the height of the cabinet. 

match kitchen countertops

How to Avoid Wrong Countertops with Your Cabinets?

To find the right countertops to go with your cabinets, start with your kitchen’s color scheme. Choosing countertops that contrast or compliment the color of your cabinets will help to define and shape the space more clearly than colors that blend together or match.

The material of your countertops is just as important as the color for giving your kitchen a complete and stylistically consistent feel. For example, marble can be a stylish and classy look for a modern kitchen, but it will look mismatched and out of place in a kitchen that is aiming for more of a rustic or homely feel.

On the other hand, you might have a countertop and perfect kitchen layout that you love already, but it just doesn’t fit with the cabinets underneath. Instead of replacing everything, cabinet refacing can give it a totally new feel by replacing cabinet doors and handles.

One great trick to highlight your kitchen’s centerpiece is to reverse the color scheme of the kitchen island or table and chairs in the center of the room. For example, if the rest of your cabinets are light with a dark countertop, swap to dark cabinets or chairs with a light counter or tabletop. Some kitchens even switch to a totally different style of cabinet and countertop for the island. This works best in larger kitchens, as it can make a smaller space feel cluttered or lacking in unity.

Do DIY Backsplashes Go With Kitchen Your Design?

The backsplash can make or break the consistency of your kitchen’s design. Simply getting the size and placement right so that it doesn’t look mismatched with the scale of the rest of the room can be challenging. This being the case, it is something best left to experts.

If you are set on doing it yourself, follow the same rules for picking a countertop material and color. Don’t go with a backsplash that is not consistent with the theme and era of the rest of the fittings unless you aim for a deliberate fusion of the two styles.

While it can look great initially to have a backsplash that matches the color of your walls, this is not always the best option. If you have gone for a pale color on the walls like white, light yellow, or light blue, the slightest discoloration from the range will stand out.


kitchen backsplash design


Should You Combine Laundry Room and Kitchen?

When deciding whether to combine your laundry room and kitchen, the first thing to consider is space. We believe that the answer to whether you should combine your kitchen with a laundry room depends on your space availability. Both choices offer great advantages to your home. Depending on the layout of your home, there might not be many places for your laundry appliances to go except the kitchen.

But if you do have the option of choosing either, which one should you go with? There are a few other factors to consider.

In a larger kitchen, laundry machines can go under countertops or cabinets without taking up extra space. In a smaller room, though, you might need all the cabinet storage space you can get, and a washer and dryer could take up a significant chunk of the room.

Putting laundry appliances in a separate room will also require installing the necessary plumbing and ventilation for those machines, adding to the scale and cost of a project. Another advantage of putting the laundry machines in the kitchen is that it puts all of your noisy appliances in one room. A separate laundry room means a second source of noise and vibration and is not masked by the everyday noise in your kitchen.


Whatever your kitchen remodeling plans, always consider the practical side of using the kitchen and style, and remember these kitchen cabinet trends to avoid. For expert help designing your dream kitchen, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Majestic Cabinets.

How to Prep a Room for Painting: Step by Step Guide for Beginners

Painting a room can be an enjoyable experience, as long as you plan ahead and make sure that the room is prepared beforehand. If you are wondering how to prep a room for painting, it’s actually not that difficult. You simply need to follow a process step by step, in the same way, that painting contractors do.

During the process, you need to consider what wall painting ideas you have, what your budget is, and what materials you need. You may also find it useful to research how to paint a room for beginners so that you are fully prepared for the task ahead. Then, you need to start on the physical preparation of the room.

Plan the Work Ahead

The first stage of prepping a room for painting is to plan ahead. You need to plan your budget, so that you do not let costs spiral out of control. You also need to work out a color scheme, so that you can include getting the right paint in your preparations. If you are looking for inspiration for wall painting color schemes you can check for some ideas online.

Make Sure That All Materials Are In Place

The last thing you want to happen, once you start painting, is to have to stop to go looking for materials. When you are preparing the room, you should make sure that you have the following materials to hand.

  • Paint
  • Different-sized brushes, so that you can finish off edges
  • Paint roller
  • Paint tray
  • Masking tape
  • Drop cloth
  • Ladder. Never be tempted to stand on furniture instead because it’s dangerous to do so.

Remove Furniture From the Room

Furniture will get in the way when you paint, and it may also get covered in paint accidentally. This is why you should remove furniture from the room before you paint, if possible. If you are moving heavy furniture, get someone to help and do so in the right way.

When you are working on how to prep a room for painting, you may find that you have nowhere to move furniture too. In this case, you should move the furniture away from the area where you are painting. The middle of the room will often be the best place to put it. You should then cover the furniture with plastic.

Should I Cover Floors Where Painting is Taking Place?

It’s possible to try and get paint off a wooden floor or a carpet. However, the best thing to do is protect the floor before you start painting. You simply need to place a drop cloth on the floor and secure it in place using masking tape. Make sure that you cover the entire floor.

How to Loosen and Tape Electrical Switches?

There is no easy way to go about wall painting without protecting electrical switches first. If you do not do this, you will not be able to paint right up to the switches without getting paint on them.

The best way to paint a wall where there are electrical switches present is to.

  • Turn off the electricity.
  • Loosen the electrical switch covers.
  • Protect the edges of all switches with masking tape.

Doing this means that you take care of electrical safety while also making sure that your painting is tidy and does not cover electrical switches.

How Can I Protect Windows and Doors?

It’s not just electrical switches that need to be protected when you are painting a room. You also need to protect doors and windows. You may eventually want to paint the door to a room but not at the same time as the walls. So, the door needs to be protected against accidental painting.

Before you tape doors and windows to protect them, you should make sure that they are free from dirt and dust and that the surface is dry. Then, you can apply masking tape to the area that you want to protect. Remember that you need to make sure that the tape is placed right against the surface where you are going to be painting. It’s also a good idea to use several small pieces of tape rather than one long one. This helps to avoid stretching the tape and creating gaps.

This is how to prep a room for painting. It’s an important part of how to paint a room for beginners. This is because making sure that the room is prepared in the right way gives you a better chance of painting the room successfully. You should also remember to give yourself plenty of time to finish the work. This is important as it means that you are less likely to rush the work and make mistakes. Instead, you can take your time and make sure that you do a good job. If you are not sure, whether you can make it alone, you can always refer to home remodeling contractors near you.

Perfect Kitchen Layout And Floor Plan Ideas

How to layout a kitchen floor plan is a central part of kitchen remodeling. The shape of your new kitchen remodels floor plan will define how you get around the kitchen during everyday use, as well as how guests will be accommodated while entertaining. 

There are a few common types of kitchen layout:

U-Shaped Kitchen 

U-shaped kitchens are arranged around 3 of a room’s four walls, leaving an open side to the kitchen to connect to a dining area or living space. These provide a functional and efficient work area with plenty of counter space and easy access to essential appliances like the oven and refrigerator. 

U-shaped kitchens are great for preparing large meals with plenty of room for you to cook while also feeling part of the rest of the room, thanks to the open area between cooking and dining space.

L-Shaped Kitchen

L-shaped kitchens are flexible types of kitchen layouts fitted into the corner of a room. They are great for making the most of a smaller room or for kitchens that form part of the living space. 

L-shaped kitchen layouts leave an open space in the center of the room that you don’t need to access while cooking. This can be a spot to put the family table close to where meals are cooked and ensures the cook stays part of the conversation when entertaining guests. Alternatively, this area can be used as extra storage space or a kitchen island for an additional counter surface.

Whatever your remodel floor plan is, L-shaped kitchen layouts are rarely the wrong choice.

G-Shaped Kitchen 

G-shaped kitchens are very similar to U-shaped kitchens. In addition to the 3 sides of a U-shaped kitchen, G-shaped kitchens also feature a peninsular that extends partway across the open side of the kitchen. These can take up more space than other remodel floor plans but provide more freedom in terms of work surfaces. 

Furthermore, the kitchen peninsula has a multitude of uses as a social space throughout the day. It can function as a breakfast bar, provide a spot for guests to enjoy snacks and drinks while you prepare a meal, or enable other family members to sit and finish up their work while you cook.

Floor for kitchen

Straight & Simple Kitchen

The simplest type of kitchen layout, usually installed in smaller spaces, consists of cabinets and appliances against only one side of the room. These kitchen layouts will often use upper cabinets and other wall-mounted storage such as shelving to maximize space efficiency. 

This simple kitchen floor design keeps your cooking area within a narrow space, leaving the rest of the room open for use as a dining or living room. As a result, while it is commonly used as a space-saving measure, it can also aid in achieving a more open remodel floor plan in your home.

Corridor Type Kitchen 

A corridor kitchen, also known as a galley kitchen, is also relatively simple. Instead of having cabinets against one wall, there are cabinets on both sides with a corridor, or galley, in between. These maximize the use of space for work surfaces and storage, particularly in a smaller room; however, if the central corridor is too narrow, it can be difficult for multiple people to cook or use the kitchen simultaneously.

Tips For Your Kitchen Flooring 

There is a lot to consider when it comes to kitchen flooring in a remodel floor plan. The practical concerns of durability and ease of cleaning are just as important as the aesthetics here. 

Stone, ceramic, and porcelain floors are all highly durable and easy to clean, although some extra maintenance to reseal natural stone flooring may be needed every few years. Wood is excellent for creating a more homely, traditional kitchen look. However, it is a little less resistant to wear and tear than stone and will need to be adequately treated and maintained to prevent warping due to water.

It is a good idea to pick your kitchen flooring while choosing the color scheme for your cabinets and work surfaces. This way, you can select a floor that matches or contrasts against the colors and kitchen countertop materials used elsewhere. For example, you might choose to match hardwood countertops with matching wood floorboards or pair dark cabinets with a white tiled floor for a stark visual contrast.

Maximize Space Usage 

Think about how to layout a kitchen floor plan that will make the best use of the space you have available. 

As a general rule, kitchen islands and peninsulas, as well as corner cabinets, use space less efficiently than straight cabinets against a wall. Islands and peninsulas, in particular, can be an excellent addition to a kitchen when you have space, but when you don’t, they occupy central floor space while giving less opportunity for storage space than wall cabinets which can be paired with an upper cabinet and shelving.

For narrow spaces, a straight or galley kitchen efficiently uses the length of the room to maximize the area you have to cook. In wider rooms, a U-shaped kitchen or G-shaped kitchen plan makes better use of the width, potentially leaving enough room for a table or island in the center. 

L-shaped kitchen layouts are good for kitchens of any size and are particularly useful for reducing the footprint of your kitchen in an open-plan home.

kitchen floor and layout

Adjust to the Traffic 

Kitchen Traffic Flow is an important consideration when picking a layout. In particular, the placement of doors in the room could preclude you from using certain types of kitchen layouts. For example, U-shaped kitchens and G-shaped kitchens require at least 2 walls without doors for a significant length and at least one wall with none. 

If your kitchen is an important path through your home leading to an entrance or living space, keeping the work areas in a corner with an L-shaped layout can prevent other family members from getting in your way as they pass through. If this is not possible, arranging appliances and work surfaces to avoid crossing that path as much as possible will improve the traffic flow through your kitchen.

In a narrow kitchen that leads to an exit such as the door to the yard, keeping all work areas to one side with a straight kitchen makes it easier for people to pass behind you while you are cooking, instead of bumping into you as you cross sides.

Use 3D Visualization

Online kitchen tools and software can provide you with a 3D visualization of kitchen layouts and designs. These let you get a good idea of how your kitchen will look and quickly alter the layout and color scheme to test out your ideas. Take the time to get the measurements, light placement, and color scheme as accurate as possible within the visualizer to get the best impression of how your proposed kitchen layout will really look.

Kitchen Floor Mistakes To Avoid 

The kitchen floor is one of the most inconvenient and expensive parts of a kitchen remodeling to replacing, so save you the trouble and get it right the first time by avoiding these mistakes:

Using the Floor Too Soon 

Depending on the type of flooring, it may be a few days before you can even walk on your new floor without risking damage, let alone installing any furniture or appliances. If someone is installing the floor for you, follow their advice on how long to wait, and if you are doing it yourself then research how long to wait for the materials and method you are using.

Cutting Costs On Labor

If you are a DIY pro and certain you know what you are doing then go ahead but otherwise, you’ll want to pay for a top-quality contractor. Ensuring that a kitchen floor remains safe and structurally sound is a complex task, and going with the cheapest contractor is likely to cost more in the long run when you end up paying someone else to do it properly.

Ignoring Workflows

Your kitchen workflow describes how you move around the kitchen between appliances and work areas. Design a kitchen without considering this, and you might find it inconvenient and inefficient to cook in your new layout. 

The easiest way to approach this is to imagine a triangle with each point placed at your stovetop, sink, and refrigerator. Each leg of the triangle should be unobstructed and if possible, not cross any foot traffic through the room. Each leg should be around 3-8 feet. 

Expert Communication

Clear communication with your contractors is vital to ensure the end result is exactly what you were expecting. It is common for kitchen layouts to require small alterations during installation, for example, due to wiring or plumbing positioned in an unexpected way. Even for the smallest changes, make sure you get a full new plan that accommodates the changes and provides it to all contractors involved. A verbal agreement to make a change may not get passed on, resulting in some work not accounting for the alteration.


There is a lot to think about when designing your perfect kitchen layout. A kitchen floor plan built to suit your family and lifestyle can be a huge improvement to your home. We know how important it is to design a kitchen that is perfect for your family, so get in touch and we’ll be happy to help create the ideal kitchen for your home.