Bathroom Painting Tips & Mistakes to Avoid

Is it time to paint your bathroom? This isn’t the most glamorous job in the world but from time to time your home needs a bit of a refresh. The bathroom has to deal with a lot of moisture and conditions that other rooms don’t, so there are tips for painting a bathroom that may not apply to other rooms. We’ve covered some common painting mistakes in this article and we’re looking into tips on how to paint a bathroom..

Whether you are going through a full bathroom remodeling or just need a bit of a spruce up, these methods can be extremely useful, and make sure you don’t make any errors that mean having to start the whole job again!

Mistake #1: No Prep

Many people are guilty of just starting painting and don’t know how to prep the bathroom for painting. This means not doing the most effective job. In the bathroom, a lot can build up on the walls. For instance, soap scum and other annoying build-ups can occur and you need to make sure you clean the bathroom first. Cleaning the walls is vital.

Tip: Prepare Your Bathroom for Painting

The bathroom is the worst area for gunk and unwanted build-ups. So here is how to clean bathroom walls before painting

You can clean with Trisodium Phosphate, a cheap option that does a great job of cleaning. It is also a way to protect the paint job. Don’t start without cleaning the walls or you might find that the paint job is not as thorough.

Mistake #2: Using Regular Paint

Don’t just use any old paint you buy from the hardware store. This is a big mistake but one that is made very often! The bathroom is not the same as painting other rooms. Mildew and mold usually build up in it due to temperature changes and the bathroom being a hotbed for issues that can stem from damp conditions.

Tip: Know What Type of Paint is Best For A Bathroom

There are specific bathroom paints that are water and mold resistant The best type of paint for bathrooms is a satin, semi-gloss, or glossy finish with a mildew-resistant additive. The right chosen paint should last a while. Also pay attention to color to make sure it also looks nice.

Mistake #3: Uneven Paint

We know that painting a bathroom isn’t top of the list for things to do this week! However, rushing can cause streaks and uneven paintwork and then you will have to find ways to fix uneven paint on the walls. Make sure the walls are completely dry before you try to paint them. If doing multiple coats, make sure the previous has had a chance to dry.

Tip: Let Everything Dry Thoroughly

Rushing things can also lead to errors in detail. Be willing to spend a bit of extra time to make sure you’re happy with the job. Of course, if these tips don’t make it quick enough, our painting contractors can help you and take the job off of your hands.

Mistake #4: Not Taping

This can cause the paintwork to look messy and untidy. You need to put a little extra work in to make sure that paint is even and you don’t get splashes where you don’t want them. Otherwise, you can end up with paint everywhere, such as on the toilet, the shower, and other areas you don’t want it to be!

Tip: Tape for Clear Edges

Taping can give you a border and allow you to paint freely. If you do happen to go over the edges then the masking tape should protect the areas you don’t want to paint. Things like the toilet tank and borders. This gives an all-around more polished and pro finish. This is one of the common painting mistakes that are very easy to avoid.

Mistake #5: Using Random Brushes

Ideally, use a roller to paint the bulk of the bathroom and then just use the brushes for some of the detailing if required. Rollers can be a great way to get an even coating. There are even specific roller techniques you can look at that can help the painting. Some people start by a W shape and then fill in the areas in between. This can ensure even coverage.

Tip: Use the Right Type of Paintbrush

There are a variety of paint brushes. Do a little research and choose the one that best applies for you. It is the most important tool for this job to say the least.

Mistake #6: Skipping Primer

Primer is always a good idea when doing any sort of painting, but bathroom paints definitely need a primer. Oil-based primers can be a great way to coat the surface, covering up any old stains and providing a fresh surface for your new bathroom paint. Yet again, this is a tip for painting a bathroom that is not particularly difficult, it is just a case of being thorough and trying not to cut corners.

Tip: Use the Correct Type of Primer

You can find primers that have damp seal technology to stop the negative effects of the damp getting into the paintwork over time and causing it to lose its vibrancy. Some primers are quick-dry so you don’t even have to wait too long for them to do the job before you can paint the whole room.

Owen is a customer experience manager at Majestic Cabinets. Having several years of experience in the home improvement field, Owen is keen on sharing his knowledge and secrets with others. Doesn't matter if you’re a homeowner with little to no knowledge in the field or an experienced contractor, you can always learn something new and interesting from his stories. Owen hopes that his articles will give you a bit of insight on home improvement.